Monday, December 29, 2014

Feed the Missionaries!!

Hello Everybody!!!!
This week was a really good week. I am so glad i got to serve here for Christmas (even though there is no snow here) . It has been one of my favorite Christmas's of my life I just wish i could have been around family. It was really fun because we went to a lot of members houses and shared a message about the Savior and it just built my testimony 10 fold. I really enjoy serving with Elder Kavapalu. he is a great missionary. Its good because we both have a can do attitude so we just go work. Singapore all around is just different to serve here, and now everyone asks me what they can do all day, since we shouldn't be setting apart time for "contacting." So i am just looking and searching for good things to tell them. I have said that i feel that it is an opportunity for us to work with the members and get their support and trust so that they will give the missionary work a push. So its just a problem for everyone serving in singapore to find out what to do all day. but it was nice i got a lot of dinner appointments and its really good because i dont have any money left so i would have starved without the members, so FEED THE MISSIONARIES!. I am so glad that i got to talk to some of you at christmas. i love and miss everyone!! i wish i could have skyped everyone! Love Elder Morgan

Merry Christmas!!

Hello everybody!! This week has been better! my investigators actually found a little time for us in their busy schedules. so we were able to meet with them! then this week i was able to give my first 2 baptism interviews. its way awesome to get to be the person that gets to hear these people witness about the truth that they have just learned. then this week was transfers and there were only 2 changes in my district. sister waldvogel finished her mission then elder hansen who is in my group left to malaysia. so i still have an awesome district. I am getting fed a lot now because its getting around christmas time and everyone is a lot more giving around this time of the year. I had dinner last night at an actual white persons house! its the first time since i left home since ive had real american food! I love being here and doing the lords work. i know that as i am here he will take care of everyone at home. so i just ahve to keep going and not worry! Thank you all for the love and support that i get! sorry its short message! but i love you all and i miss you!
-Elder Morgan

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The guy wants to go to BYU!

This week was a bit rough for me. it was hard because i literally taught 0 people this week. i had no appointments so i just spent a lot of time trying to talk to people on the bus and the trains, and that doesnt work to well because people are so busy all the time in singapore. but something really cool happened at church today. so i had no investigators there, that isnt the cool part, but that a random guy showed up and said that he wants to go to byu provo and he was looking and finding out about it and he went to the church website and he found the church so he just came and he really like church a lot and he is bringing his wife this next week so i am really excited about that! it was just cool how he was able to find the church and how he now is bringing his family! so that was basically the highlight of my week! i love and miss you all!!
Love ElderMorgan

Riding the train........

HEllo everybody! so this week was an okay week. my companion is in singapore for medical help so we are at the doctors a lot so that takes up most of our time when we would be just riding trains trying to talk to people. but this week i was able to have an actual thanksgiving dinner!! this member made some real american food it was so nice!! 6-months since i had mashed potatoes last. so i ate way to much and i couldnt even eat anything the day after. my stomach is still digesting from friday when i ate. this week was hard because 2 of our main investigators are gone. one was in indonesia and the other went back to the philipines. so we only met with 2 investigators this week. this girl that im teaching is named anne. and she is awesome she asks all the right questions and shes hopefully going to be baptized on the 27th! then i got to make friends with a lot more of the members because we had a ward bowling activity so that was really fun and got some referals from that. then i gave a talk in church on sunday about following jesus christs example in doing missionary work. so i talked about how we can gain his christlike attributes and how we can try to become like him. that was basically my week. i love and miss you all and i hope all is well.
LOve Elder Morgan

Saturday, November 15, 2014

November 10, 2014 New District Leader.... Elder Morgan!

Hello Everybody! so last week when we got transfer news i found out that i was staying in bedok still and with Elder Wade still. but i was made District Leader. so far being a DL is nothing really new or too hard, everyone has given me a lot of support and my district is awesome so it makes my job easy! This week i had a lot of appointments so that is always good! Elder Ormsby was in Singapore for a few days last week so it was way good to see him. The members of this ward is awesome, so at church yesterday we had one of our Filipino Investigators come and instantly the other Filipino's in the ward just made best friends with him and if you know Filipinos they all love basketball, so the members invited him to play and they instantly just made him feel way welcome. He said that he loved church because everyone was so warm and welcoming to him. Members are what make the difference for investigators, THank you mom for the birthday package the shirt fits way better than the older shirts so you can send the rest. and i already ate all the candy you sent so you can send some more of that as well. i hope dad is doing good, i have really prayed long and hard for him so i hope that he is doing well. I miss you all and love you all!
- :Love Elder Morgan

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 29, 2014 (He used punctuation and capitalization!!!!!!)

Okay so this is the small weekly email... This week was a pretty good week! So randomly one of the nights we were eating dinner at this mall. and a random lady walked up and said she is a member but she was on vacation and that she is from vancouver and she is like a huge member missionary person. she even wrote an article in the liahona in like 2007. so she came with us to a less active members house. so we didnt call them at all to see if they were there so we just stopped by and they were there! so we got to go in and teach them and it turns out that his wife isnt a member and she kinda only speaks chinese so luckily this random member knew chinese and she was just helping her to understand how she can change her life with the gospel. so they agreed to let us come back and start teaching her! so that was something random but really cool that happened this week. then on saturday one of my investigators got baptized! it was awesome and she was so excited! she is a way awesome indian girl she is 24 and her home town is in ipoh. so when i was in ipoh she came to church for the first time so i was able to meet her while i was in ipoh and then when i got transferred i came to the same place that she lived in singapore. so it is crazy that i was able to come and teach her here. i know that heavenly father is to thank for that. it is just a really cool miracle that happened. and i was so happy that i got to baptize her, and even on moms birthday! so you can say that it was my birthday present!! well that is about all that happened this week. i love and miss you all and hope you are all doing good!
-Love Elder Morgan

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20 2014

Hi Everyone! This week was better than the past few weeks! it was cool one day we got together as our zone and we did a zone blitz thing. so all of our zone met and we all went out contacting and we all tried to get 5 numbers so there are 10 companions in the zone so that would be 50 people that we can talk to and hopefully teach! so it was really cool we did splits so we got to learn from other missionaries. but we all did really well some did not as well and got like 3 but some got even up to 10 so it was awesome that we were able to get more than 50 numbers in only an hour. and from that we have been able to teach a big number of that. Something really cool is that a family that i found and taught in Ipoh just got baptized! it is really awesome to see the fruits of the labors of missionaries. i wish i could be there though. but also one of my investigators names Sharmila is going to be baptized this saturday! The lord truly works miracles. this week i have been able to talk to a lot of more people and one that we met just this week has already accepted to be baptized. the Lord really does prepare people for us to find. Other than that nothing reallly cool or exciting happened this week. but i am going to the Aquarium today so that will be awesome. Thank you all for you emails and your support i love you All!!
Love Elder Morgan